пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

Miracles by Faith

Original article and pictures take http://in-due-time.com/faith/miracles-faith/ site


I’m always searching for new pastors and church sermons to listen to. I don’t know how I came across this church or sermon, but when I saw the sermon title, ‘Miracles of Faith’ I knew I wanted to listen.

What does it look like to receive a miracle? A miracle starts with something that is beyond our ability. It’s not a miracle for me to make dinner, because that is something I am capable of doing. But, having a baby when doctors told us it is not possible without medical intervention will definitely be a miracle. It requires God to do something way beyond what we can do. Bible.org defines a miracle as a less common way of God’s working, and that it is done so as to arouse people’s surprise.

Reflecting on scripture, each and every person who asked Jesus for something was desperate or had a desire for something. They all asked Jesus, because they knew He was the only one who could meet their desire. A miracle involves a desire for something.

So, what do you do when you realize you have a desire and you need a miracle? Focus on God’s word concerning your situation. Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the wordRomans 10:17. When you find the word that applies to your situation you can operate in faith on that word.

A miracle not only requires us to know the word of God, but to act on the word. We are called to act on the word and release our faith by speaking the word of God. I love the freedom that comes from knowing God’s word. We have had such a peace throughout our whole journey, because we know what the word of God says about fertility. We speak those promises over our bodies and our situation and walk in faith that they will come to pass. When you have the opportunity to believe and act on the word of God you will see it manifest and a miracle will take place.

Don’t accept your trial or sickness and be content with it. Christ wants to deliver you, heal you, free you, and He wants to bring you a miracle. Study His word because when you know His word, you know His will, and when you know His will, you can walk by faith in the promises that He has given you.

Have Faith in God. Miracles Happen

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