пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome

Original article and pictures take http://fatmumslim.com.au/five-affirmations-to-make-2016-awesome/ site


I love this time of year. It plays into my optimistic, dreamer side. I love knowing that I have a brand new year ahead with so many possibilities. I feel the same about Mondays too. You may call me a dreamer. I do.

One thing I’ve loved doing over the last… oh decade or so… {ouch, does that make me old?} is using affirmations. When I’m stuck or feeling like a bit of a negative-Nancy, I love using affirmations. Affirmations are little statements said in the present tense, as if those things are already happening.

Let me share an example. When I started my own business, and started to do freelancing/blogging/social media on my own, my main concern was money. Hubby and I decided on things that I was going to be responsible for, and when I took the leap to work for myself I had to make sure that I made that money {or I had to get a real job!}. So I used the below affirmation. “I now do work I love, and I am well paid for it.”

I stuck it up in my office and it became my internal dialogue, especially when I was a bit stressed about dollars. So instead of having the internal dialogue being something like this, “Oh my gosh, I don’t have enough money. How am I going to pay the bills? How am I going to make this work?” I changed it to the affirmation, and got busy making money. I do believe what you think, you create.

Below you’ll find five affirmations that are great to use in the New Year and beyond. Choose one, or steal them all. The affirmations are from Louise Hay {my favourite}.


Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome
Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome
Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome
Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome
Five affirmations to make 2016 awesome

I hope that 2016 is your year. I hope it’s magic and awesome and filled with good health. x

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