With the constant changes surrounding our lives, it’s often important to take a step back when things are turning out the way we envisioned for ourselves. By doing so, we can raise your frequency to align with our soul purpose.
When it comes to aligning with our soul purpose, it’s rarely a straight shot. After all, life is about the journey, not the destination. Sometimes an outcome turns out to be better than what we expected, and other times, not so much.
We have many purposes and callings throughout our lifetime. Even throughout the day, we may be called to direct a lost tourist to the nearest convenience store, broker an introduction among friends, or bring laughter to a lonely neighbor.
In life, we may be called to be an inspirational music teacher, a restaurant owner providing healthier options to the neighborhood, or a senator implementing policy changes to better society.
When it comes to our calling, it’s important to identify our soul purpose in order to live to our fullest potential. When we align our values, passions, and interests with our skill sets, we are at our best. And such happiness is priceless!
1. What is your soul purpose?
In order to identify your soul purpose, first make a list of your interests. What do you enjoy doing on your free time? On a scale from 1-10, rate these interests with 10 being the most meaningful activity to you.
Is there a common theme? If you have a lot of 8, 9, and 10’s around exercising, you value health. If there are a lot of social activities high on your list, you value connection with others.
If you find yourself needing to reassess your life purpose or needing to figure out your calling, try the below writing, meditation and visualization exercise.
Start by writing down your responses to these questions. Let your thoughts flow freely and simply write down whatever comes to mind.
Finish the sentence:
I am most passionate about ________.
I am best in the world at __________.
I want to be remembered for _________.
Sitting or Walking Meditation:
If time, money, education, experience were no issue, you had zero constraints in the world, what would you do?
Imagine your life in the future (any timeline), what does it look like? What would your ideal day feel like? Let’s get specific!
-Where do you live?
-How do you make money?
-What will the community feel like?
-What do you do in your free time?
-What does your health/fitness look like?
-How do you care for yourself? Body? Mind?
-What are you grateful for?
Whether you are feeling stuck or just needing a change in life, let’s manifest your breakthrough so you can start living your best life now!
2. Get Clear with 5 Key Questions:
Write down your answers to the following key questions so you can allow your intuition to flow. Doing so on a daily basis will allow you to gain clarity in a week or less because you begin to hear yourself think clearly. That inner voice gets louder and louder when we are in the flow.
- What are you biggest frustrations in life?
- Are there things you are tolerating in your life that if you didn’t have to tolerate would create opportunities?
- What fears do you have about taking a leap towards your personal & professional goals?
- If you made slight shifts in your life so you can align your time with your values, passions, and interests, how would you feel?
- What would your ideal day look like?
3. Raise Your Frequency with Small Consistent Shifts:
For the ideal results of a major breakthrough to last for the long term, it’s important to make slight shifts in your routine. This not only moves you in the right direction, but also transitions you into a higher frequency more smoothly.
Your time is precious and in order to manifest your breakthrough, you need to implement the most effective strategies out there! Surround yourself with the people who have already done what you need to get through in order to reach your goal. Sometimes you may need to hire someone to provide the right tools.
In your current inner circle, are there individuals you’ll need to set boundaries with? Or is it simply of letting them know your goals so that they can support you and keep you motivated with the going gets rough?
Before taking action, we must understand that in order for a breakthrough to happen, we don’t need to be making improvements in every aspect of our lives. That’s quite difficult, if not impossible.
4. Maintain the Momentum:
Major breakthroughs take time so having patience is so important for staying on track. As mentioned in the video, our inner debating committee can hold us back from reaching our goals. The self-doubt and negative thoughts get in the way when we don’t have all the right information.
In ambiguous situations, it’s easier to fill that space with doubts than to go forth into the unknown with full confidence. Let got of the self-doubts and maintain your momentum by taking inspired action.
Continuous learning is key! Grow your library of inspiration with podcasts and reading material that will keep you in the flow with continuous learning.
5. Thrive in the Silver Linings:
Change is constant so we need to roll with it in order to thrive! 75% of your manifesting efforts should be about the vision and inspiration. 25% should be taking the necessary action. So spend more time being as positive as you can be through having the attitude of gratitude.
Be as consistent as possible with having a positive attitude, meditating, and journaling. Visualize yourself already having achieved your breakthrough and imagine how it would feel when you are living your ideal day.
Remember, if you are running on low energy, it’s hard to make progress. Listen to your body. If it’s telling you to take a break, do so to allow the Universe to send you inspiration and insight. It’s not just about taking action but about balancing the envisioning with taking inspired action.
So grab your free Reiki Healing E-Book today!
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