пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

An Affirmation for Love (That Could Change Your Life)

Original article and pictures take http://aimhappy.com/affirmation-for-love/ site

I believe in the power and magic of these three words: I choose love. I believe they can change your life. Repeating this positive affirmation for love can spark true happiness and peace in yourself, in your relationships, and in your day-to-day encounters with the world.

I believe in the power and magic of these three words: I choose love. I believe they can change your life. Repeating this positive affirmation for love can spark true happiness and peace in yourself, in your relationships, and in your day-to-day encounters with the world.

“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.” – Unknown

Let Love Be All That You See

Everything I see is either an act of love or a call for love.

When I think of the term falling in love, I envision love to be all around us, running through us at all times like an electrical current. Love is energy, creation, inspiration, a pathway and a guiding force, and it’s readily accessible in any given moment.

When we “fall” in love, we step fully into the current of love side by side—we are united in and by love.

Love offers us the opportunity to lead from truth, light, and joy. It grants us the perspective to see that everything that matters in this world is of love, and what is not of love does not matter; it is merely nothing.

It’s always possible to choose love, in other words, if that is the perspective you choose to carry and color your world by.

This is how I see it: Everything is either an act of love, or a call for love. When we view stressful situations using this perspective, we can relax knowing that it only needs love.

When we see hateful people in the world, or feel impatient and frustrated with the world, we can become more compassionate knowing this person and this world is in need of love. Recognizing this, we open up to the option of choosing love instead of bringing more darkness to the matter.

Love Above Fear

I choose to bring love to the situation that tempts me to follow fear.

Hatred is not the opposite of love. Fear is love’s opposite. Fear and love do not really exist on the same spectrum, however, so they cannot truly be compared. You cannot compare fiction to truth; truth has no comparison. Truth just is and it always reveals itself when we lift the veil of fear from our eyes.

In this life, the unlearning of fear is part of our learning process.

As Marianne Williamson notes in her book, Return to Love: “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” Our task is to remember what really matters and who we really are.

You are not your mistakes, spiteful words, anxiety, stress, or negative thoughts. You are the love that may be forgotten in this moment, but which you can remember again.

A shift in perception from fear to love–from being consumed by the drama of the world to seeing all negativity and acts of fear as merely calls for love–is the miracle that can change your life on a daily basis. It can change your life because it’s as simple as affirming to love in any given situation, whatever the given circumstances.

Invite love’s presence in your thoughts, words, and actions.

Live Your Affirmation for Love

Love is my ultimate intention, and so I choose to live in a loving world.

The practical application of this affirmation for love is what makes it so miraculous. The decision to lead with love could be reflected in nearly any scenario.

Allowing people to be themselves rather than demanding they live up to any expectations is a reflection of love. Being willing to forgive yourself or others is an act of love. Greeting a perceived negative event as an opportunity to be grateful, or bringing light into an otherwise darkened world, is a great display of love.

Placing love as our ultimate intention is akin to prioritizing peace over pain.

Love would have us move through life as though it were a blessing, not a burden, and it is our task to remember this. Each time we respond to negativity with positivity, seek the beauty as though it were treasure to be hunted, offer up gratitude, or give our smile to someone who might not have their own to give–we’re choosing love.

  • When confronted with fear, anger, and frustration, are you willing to choose love?
  • In what small ways and situations can you choose love instead?
  • How can you love yourself and those around you a little deeper today?
  • What does choosing love mean to you?
  • When might you be able to apply this affirmation for love?

Please share your thoughts, ideas, lessons, and stories with me in the comments.

Share this affirmation for love with someone you care about.

By making happiness our journey, we bring joy to the surface with every step.

With love,

Free watercolor background by Angie Makes; lettering by Aim Happy.

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