пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

5 Morning Rituals That Changed My Life and Career

Original article and pictures take http://jessicaestrada.net/morning-rituals/ site
5 Morning Rituals That Have Changed My Life and Career | I’m sharing my step-by-step morning routine that helps me kick off my day right. Click through to read the full post + download a FREE affirmations printable filled with my favorite morning affirmations for self-love, success, and manifesting your big dreams.

My morning rituals used to include hitting the snooze button multiple times and rushing out the door feeling like a hot mess. That is so not the way to kick off your day. Success begins in the morning, which is why having morning rituals that make you feel good is so important. Those high vibes carry over into the rest of your day. Now, I treat my morning like gold. I wake up early and move slowly through my morning rituals savoring every single minute of it. Here, I’m sharing my five favorite morning rituals that have changed my life and career for the better.


I struggled to make meditation part of my morning routine for a really long time. We had one of those dysfunctional on-and-off relationships. Meaning I’d meditate for a few days in a row and then skip months in between. It wasn’t until anxiety brought me to my knees that I had to make it a priority. Once I started being consistent, I finally started to feel those awesome benefits that everyone keeps talking about. Now I’m hooked. My mind is clearer and more focused and my anxiety levels have gone way down. I like to bounce around between different types of meditations depending on my mood. It helps keep things fun and interesting. My favorites include Kundalini and guided meditations. I aim for 10 minutes, but sometimes I go longer or shorter depending on how I feel.

Read Something Uplifting

I can’t express how much I love snuggling up under the covers in the morning and reading a good book. It feels so indulgent. Even just squeezing in 10 minutes of reading into my morning routine makes a big difference. If the rest of my day is crazy busy, I at least had those few quiet moments in the morning. The key, though, is reading something that uplifts you. You know the type of books that elevate your energy and make you feel like you can do just about anything. Reading more personal growth type books will feed your mind positive thoughts and help you better yourself and your life.

Recite Affirmations

Affirmations help reprogram your thought patterns. They replace negative thoughts with more beautiful, positive, and empowering thoughts. I keep a list of my favorite morning affirmations next to my bed (you can download the exact ones right here!) so I can read over them before I get out of bed in the morning. It’s important to find affirmations that really resonate with you and make you feel really good.

Set Your Intentions

Setting your intentions for the day is like setting your goals for the day only they are not something you can check off your to-do list. An intention is focused on how you want to feel and live rather than what you want to get done. Setting your intentions literally takes a few seconds but it has a huge impact on your day. I like to write down my intention in the morning in my Productivity Planner printable.


I’m a writer so naturally, this morning ritual is one of my favorites but you don’t need to be a writer to do it. Journaling is just an outlet. It’s a way to release whatever is on your mind onto the page and you can change it up all the time. Sometimes I’ll just write a quick gratitude list. Other days, I’ll write about something that’s bothering me. And some days I just journal about a certain goal I’m really excited about. There’s literally no right or wrong way to journal. The goal is just to write and keep writing until you’ve poured it all out. If you need some journaling inspiration, here’s 11 ways I like to use my journal and 30 journaling prompts that will inspire some major self-reflection.

P.S. Don’t forget to download your printable list of morning affirmations below for a magical and totally empowering morning ritual!

Affirmations, Please!

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