пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

Powerful Money Spells that Work

Original article and pictures take http://goodvibeblog.com/powerful-money-spells-that-work/ site
Powerful Money Spells that Work

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wave a magic wand or speak a few words to manifest money?

Well, you’re in luck because we totally can!

Conscious creators know that as we speak/vibrate, so shall it be. So why not use our powers to create more money?

I’ve shared love alignment spells before, and spells for breaking the evil curse.

Sounds like a good time for a powerful money manifesting spell.

It turns out I’m no stranger to these, so I know how well they work.

Some might call it an affirmation or mantra or better-feeling-thought rather than a spell, but whatever the label – we’re just using our focusing power to manifest what we want. (In this case, more moolah.)

Here are a few of my favorites that have served me well (including a classic from Mike Dooley).

When I’m feeling short on cash, just paid a big bill, or somehow recognize my vibrational dial is set to lack, here are the spells I use to plug back into abundance and ease:

  • There’s plenty more where that came from.
  • It’s a good thing I’m rich!
  • The more money I spend, the more money I make.

That’s it. Pretty simple, huh?

You can tell it’s not my style to wait for the right moon, burn green candles or draw symbols on paper. But that doesn’t make it any less potent.

I just speak it out loud with conviction until I can feel my focus turning back to abundance.

These are the spells I use to open up to more money:

  • How did I get so rich?
  • Holy sh*t, I make a lot of money!

You’ll notice one of those is in the form of an afformation, which I am a huge fan of.

But for those who like to play in other ways, check out these other money spells

… for those feeling witchy:

The Money Spell

… for those who like it with attitude, no one calls in money better than Reverend Ike. (Click this to hear his 12 second money chant.)

… for those who like their spells to be ancient, with a lot of power packed on over the centuries, you’ll want to engage the Sanskrit Money Chant.

… and the one below is a longer version that many conscious creators enjoy reciting out loud:

The Money Meditation

If you’d like to copy the text of the meditation above just click here. (I don’t know the original source, so if you do, please tell!)

After reading the long meditation the next instruction is to “immediately begin to expect positive results from every effort at allowing that you make.” And we know how to do that.

But however you choose to engage the power of your words to manifest money, remember that what matters most is how you feel. So use the words that feel best to you, whatever they might be.

And if you’ve got a great money spell to share with us, please do!

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