пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

J. A. Ramos

Original article and pictures take 78.media.tumblr.com site

These are my favorite parents in any movie ever.

Fuente: camillanarea

theres going to be a Massive protest in Caracas, Venezuela, against the current government, and people from all over the country have gone to caracas one way or another despite being forced to go back home by the military and the SEBIN.

People like a group of 1000 indigenous people, and a group of wheelchair bound students were forcefully stopped and were told to go back to their home at the other side of the country. The government also has shut down the Caracas Metro to prevent mobilization.

also millions of cars are lining up to enter Caracas, and they are prevented to enter by none other than the military.

this was taken about ten minutes ago. those are buses from different parts of the country wanting to go to Caracas to protest.

And more importantly, the government has sent the Military and a lot of paramilitary colectivos to take actions against the protest.

And knowing this, the government will not hesitate to take lethal actions against the people.

This is not an act of civil disobedience. This is a peaceful protest. We are hungry. The country we live in is not safe at all. Minimum wage is not enough and we cant afford to buy anything.

And the president and his clique are living like billionaires.

Please spread this.

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