пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

A 2017 Dreaming Guide For A Positive Year

Original article and pictures take http://thedailypositive.com/2017-dreaming-guide-positive-year/ site

With 2017 right around the corner, many people are planning their New Years resolutions. Some reap success, but most are forgotten by springtime. So instead of creating resolutions, let's talk about dreaming.

“A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.” –J.R.R. Tolkein

There is a difference between resolutions and dreaming. Resolutions are typically habits that we do because we feel we should, and dreams are those ambitions and ideas that make us feel alive. Yet, we often place our dreams on the back burner because we are more likely to pursue the things we “should” instead of the things we “want.”

To give ourselves the best chance at a positive 2017, we created a dreaming guide so you can finally give your dreams the attention they deserve. In addition to the guide, we wanted to recommend a resource we have found: The Hatch Notebook from Two Tumbleweeds.

“The Hatch Notebook helps you turn ideas into reality. Hatching ideas requires a blend of creativity and practicality, inspiration and perseverance. This notebook is a system to brainstorm, keep track of your ideas, evaluate their merits, decide which ones to pursue, and then plan and execute.”

We all need support, and I have found The Hatch Notebook to give me just that. I feel better than ever going into the next year knowing that I have a guide and a place to hold the dreams that I am too hesitant to share with others.

I hope you join me in making 2017 a year we name and activate our dreams. If we do, I believe it will be the best year yet.

Tell us in the comments what dreams you plan to finally hatch!

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