пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

100 days + a closet makeover

Original article and pictures take http://www.lovelaundryblog.com/2013/08/100-days-closet-makeover.html site

Holy cow people... we are officially 100 days away from our due date! I know that our little man will come whenever he decides he is ready but its crazy to think that we are most likely in the double digits after today! 100 days can seem so far away, but I know it will be here before we know it. Fall is always the craziest/busiest season for us with football season, hunting season, family birthdays, and all of the holidays so I know the next 3 months are going to fly by! I LOVE everything about fall and am looking forward to cooler weather and Carolina football. Speaking of countdowns... only TWO MORE DAYS until Carolina kickoff!!!! We are getting just a tiny bit excited over here in the Tomlinson household to watch our Gamecocks play Thursday night!

Now for the closet makeover... yay!! The closet renovation is now finished and the nursery is really starting to come together! I forgot to take a "before" picture of the closet (of course) but I found an image on Google that pretty much shows what the closet looked like. Before we started, we just had one of those wire shelving things that went straight across the entire closet. It pretty much looked like this:

It was not practical at all considering baby clothes are so small and having two hanging bars for clothes would make much better use of the space. Also, I really wanted some built in shelves in the closet for storage (baskets, clothes, blankets, diapers, shoes, etc.) because the only storage in the room are two small drawers in the changing table. Shelves were the biggest necessity for the closet makeover and hubs definitely delivered! First, we took off the closet doors and cleaned out the closet. That was an entire project in itself! The closet was formerly the "camo and craft closet" that housed all of Russ's camo and hunting gear along with all of my craft supplies. Once we rearranged a bit and found new places for all of that stuff, we were ready to transform this space into a functional nursery closet! The camo is now in our closet (somehow we made it fit) so this is basically what the old closet looked like. (And yes, I do label my husbands piles of jeans "good jeans", "work jeans", and "farm jeans" in case you happen to notice my silly little labels. I learned early into our marriage that men don't know the difference between their jeans and Russ would just grab a nice brand new pair of jeans and wear them to the farm and completely ruin them! Thus began my labeling... problem solved!)

We took a ton of measurements and headed to Lowes to buy all the materials. We already had white primer and paint so all we really needed was wood and new hanging rods for the clothes. Luckily, Russ's best friend Jason has a million saws and other tools and let us borrow them to get all of the wood cut to the right dimensions. Don't know what we would do without Uncle Jase! After everything had been measured and cut, my job began. I sanded, primed, and painted (for hours and hours and hours) until all the wood was finished. Then, we framed up the closet, caulked, and put some finishing touches with paint. It all sounds super easy and like it probably took us 1 day to do the whole project but in reality we ran into about a million little problems and it took much longer than I anticipated. Just for example... one of the walls didn't have studs where we needed them, the closet isn't a perfect rectangle so a lot of the measurements had to be re-cut several times in order to fit, we have a random control box (that goes to nothing) in the back of the closet that we had to work around, etc. So yeah, in my mind it looked like a piece of cake to whip up a custom closet, but Russ knew better! I am so thankful to have a handy husband that knows how to build things and is patient with me when my nesting instincts get a little out of hand ;) It is really true what they say about nesting... it will make you do crazy things! (Like sand furniture for hours outside in 95 degree heat when you are 6 months pregnant... cray cray.)

Ok, so here are some pictures of the finished closet! We still have to put the doors back on it, but you get the idea. (Sorry for the terrible quality photos. Since I spend so much time editing client photos, I tend to get a little slack when it comes to editing my own pictures.)

And since I was in there taking pictures of the closet, I had to snap a few of my favorite little outfits! I have really been holding off and haven't let myself buy any clothes for Everett yet. Most of the stuff you see hanging are gifts from Aunt Braden and Aunt Reilly and a few outfits were Russ's when he was a baby. However... when I saw baby GAP had a really good online sale going on a week or so ago I couldn't resist any longer and bought him a few things. I can't even handle how tiny and precious these little onesies are! How cute is he going to be dressed as my little photography assistant? And those little elbow pads... outta control! Eeeee!

So there you have it... a camo/craft closet transformed into baby Everett's custom nursery closet! I will blog about the changing table I refinished later this week now that it is completely finished and in the nursery. I took a ton of pictures of that whole process and am excited to share how it turned out. I love it!!

Mommy and Daddy cannot wait to meet you! We talk about you all the time and seriously can't even wrap our heads around the fact that you will be here so soon. 100 days until we get to hold you in our arms and smother you with a million kisses. Your Daddy says that it is only fair that he gets to hold you all the time for the first 9 months of your life since Mommy gets to carry you in her tummy for 9 whole months. We shall see about that... ;) You bring us so much joy already sweet boy and we haven't even met you yet! To say you are loved like crazy is an understatement. Jesus has blessed us beyond measure with the gift of your life.

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