пятница, 10 ноября 2017 г.

Our Best-Selling Subliminal Visualization Video Downloads

Original article and pictures take http://www.abundantmind.com/?hop=shocc84 site
Attract Money (Affirmations) Ultimate Wealth (Affirmations) Get A Millionaire Mind II

Money Consciousness Attract A Rich & Beautiful Life Attract Money & Luxury

Become A Money Magnet Become A Money Magnet II Ancient Wealth Attraction

Attract Success Attract A Life Of Luxury Business Success Attractor

The Universe Provides Abundant Universe Storms Of Money And Success

Find True Love (Affirmations) Attract Beautiful Women Attract A Perfect Man

Leave The Painful Past Behind Become Fearless Release From Addiction

Pure Soul Energy Total Healing Lose Weight / Get A Superbody

Boost Your Immune System Cure Depression Abundant Health (Affirmations)

Boost Self Esteem Get Ultimate Confidence Escape

Become An Ultimate Fighter Unlock Psychic Abilities Get Good Luck

Get Motivation And Focus Open Your Third Eye Boost Willpower

Become A Powerful Manifestor Become Super-Intelligent Enable Positive Thinking

Boost Memory And Study Overcome Obstacles My Third Eye (Affirmations)

Did you know that 80% of people can't properly visualize? That's why typical vision boards are so ineffective, they aren't REAL enough, tangible enough, dynamic enough, to trigger true emotion and break through to your subconscious mind.

That's what makes Abundant Mind Subliminal Visualization Videos different. We combine FIVE powerful technologies into a vivid and compelling visualization video that literally break down the wall of your conscious mind, to immediately affect your subconscious. Once your mind is positively programmed, you can start to manifest the life you truly desire.

How I Used The Law of Attraction To Manifest A Boyfriend

Original article and pictures take http://elitedaily.com/dating/used-law-attraction-manifest-boyfriend/839177/ site

It was the summer of 2009. I was a 21-year-old college student who had just returned home from an amazing six months studying abroad in South Africa. I’d taught dance to schoolchildren at a local township. I spent four days in silent meditation on a Buddhist retreat.

I sipped a few too many glasses of vino with my gaggle of new friends. I engaged in an assortment of brief romances with an Afrikaans beach bum, a singing/song-writing Jack Johnson doppelgänger, a saxophone-playing Texan and an elusive Nietzsche-reading hipster.

Though my experience was amazing and soul enlivening, I craved something more when it came to my love life. It had been three years since my last real boyfriend, and I ached for a meaningful connection. I didn’t want another fling; I wanted to fall in love and be loved deeply in return.

Around this time, I was also getting more in touch with my spirituality and reading countless self-help books. One day, as I browsed through my mom’s library, I stumbled across a book that caught my eye: "The Soul Mate Secret."

The book's author, Arielle Ford, claimed that The Law of Attraction -- the belief that “like attracts like” and by focusing on positive thoughts, you can bring about positive results — can manifest an ideal romantic partner.

Hesitantly, yet hopefully, I decided to test Ford's theory and, as she put it, prepare myself on all levels for love. This included:

1. Clearing out the past

I wrote a letter expressing my hurt feelings toward an ex-boyfriend and wrote one back to me from his perspective. Then, I burned both letters.

I also cleaned out my room and tossed everything that reminded me of past partners (love letters, photos, etc.).

2. Getting specific about what I want in my next relationship and what I have to offer this person

I made a list of the 10 qualities I most desire in a partner and a second list of my own most appealing traits. I also wrote down my non-negotiable deal-breakers for my next relationship.

3. Visualizing what I want and acting as if it was already happening

I listened to a guided meditation, which urged me to feel the feelings of love and joy I would experience once my new man entered my life. I also sent myself a text message from my future boyfriend, telling me how much he loved me and how glad he was that we’d met.

Lastly, I created a visual collage using magazine clippings, which represented what I wanted in my next relationship. It included a couple holding hands on a beach and phrases like “sexy,” “exotic” and “treats me like a queen.” I put the collage under my bed.

Then, I returned to school and pretty much forgot about all of it. I went about my life, took my classes, attended frat parties, binge-watched "Grey's Anatomy" with my roommates, etc. For fall break, I decided to stay on campus to catch up on work and relax. That weekend, I ventured into to a near-deserted gym to get in a workout.

Not expecting to see anyone I knew, I wore no makeup, some baggy, old sweatpants and pulled back my hair in a bun.

About 10 minutes into my routine, a guy hopped onto the elliptical next to me and asked me what music I was listening to. He had an appealing energy and was definitely attractive, but I immediately dismissed him because of the Ed Hardy t-shirt he was wearing and the way he gelled his hair.

Undeterred by my disinterest, however, the guy continued to chat me up and somehow convinced me into giving him my phone number. Texting turned into phone calls, which turned into actual dates. Even though I loved the way talking to him soothed my nerves and how adored he made me feel, I still resisted. He was just so not my usual type.

But, despite my initial hesitation, pretty soon, we became an item.

When I went home for winter break that December, I found the collage I made the summer before. It may sound silly, but at that moment, it suddenly clicked: He was the guy I manifested. As I held the collage, I literally felt chills. It was eerie how much our relationship resembled what and who was in front of me.

That Valentines day, I gave him the collage as a gift; he was floored. He didn’t believe I made it before ever meeting him.

Long story short, we dated for a year, but ultimately parted ways after he moved to India and I went to DC post-graduation. It was a wonderful experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

While the relationship didn’t last forever, the lessons I learned certainly will

First, I realized I have the power to manifest love (or anything else I want) to existence in my life. Since that experiment, I have used the above exercises to manifest a job, a cute apartment, my business, other boyfriends, a trip to Costa Rica and even jewelry.

The key to manifesting each of these things/experiences was getting super clear about what I want and focusing on the feeling behind the goal.

Second, I learned that while you can essentially order whatever you desire from the universal buffet, it might not come in the exact flavor you imagined. Self-help guru Gabrielle Bernstein nails it when she advises focusing on the picture of what you want, rather than the frame in which it comes.

In the case of my boyfriend, the picture was how he made me feel and our chemistry together. The frame was the Ed Hardy t-shirts and gelled hair (which, if I’m being honest, still make me cringe when I think about them).

If my story inspires you, and you’re ready to manifest an amazing partner, follow the steps I outlined above. Clear out the past, crystalize what you do and do not want, visualize your desire and act as if it has already come to fruition. This process may sound overly simple, but I have seen it work time and time again.

And, if you have any additional tips or questions about calling in that special someone, feel free to post them in the comments below!

How To Make A Vision Board That Actually Works

Original article and pictures take http://christieinge.com/9-steps-for-creating-a-vision-board-that-actually-works/ site

I created my first vision board well over ten years ago when I was in the process of healing my emotional eating issues. At the time, vision boards, or even living on purpose were unfamiliar concepts. I didn’t really understand the point of creating a vision board and quite frankly, was just sort of following along with the program. I have a strong creative streak, so, I just went with it.

We were instructed to cut and paste images of things that inspired us onto a piece of poster board. So, we all sat around in a circle, chatting and cutting from magazines for about an hour. I pasted pictures of books, trees, and some words that resonated for me at the time on my board. I wasn’t being too picky about the images, I was just going with what felt right.

When I got home, I promptly stuffed my new vision board into a closet.

A couple of years later, I had just started my coaching business and was feeling a major urge to de-clutter the closet in what is now my home office. Shoved back in the corner, I found the vision board and I was shocked at what I saw.

Every image that I had cut and pasted on that board was real in my life.

It taught me the power of getting clear on what we need, want, and value and then taking aligned action towards those intentions.

The power was not in the vision board, the power was in what I did to make my vision reality.

Because here is the Truth:

Vision is merely a dream without action. ~ Joel Barker

As I look back on the first vision board, I can see that that was how it went down for me. I got clear on what I wanted, I healed the places that were out of integrity with that vision, and I took consistent action. This is the real secret!

How To Make A Vision Board That Actually Works

1. Discern your intentions.

What do you want? What do you need? What do you value? And how do you want to feel when those things are made manifest? When thinking of the feelings, be sure to choose single emotion words like free, open, joy, etc. Write it down.

2. Gather your supplies.

  • glue/pins
  • markers, pens, paint
  • colorful or plain paper
  • scissors

I use a blank art book, as I much prefer to really focus on one thing at a time.

Here are all the basic supplies you’ll need.

3. Create Space.

Find a space that you feel comfortable in and that is large enough to spread out all of your supplies. A large table or the floor are usually great choices.

Choose music, light candles, burn incense, chant, gather your crystals, sing to your angels, bang drums, or anything else that supports you in feeling comfortable, relaxed, and tapped into your desires.

4. Find your images + words.

Flip through the magazines and begin tearing/cutting out images/words/phrases that appeal to you.

5. Paste them to the page.

Go through your images + words and look specifically for things that invoke the feeling under your intentions and start arranging them on your page. When it feels just right, go ahead and paste them to the page.

Set aside any images that still feel good but don’t quite fit what you are going for. You can use them in future pages or boards.

Be sure not to choose images that send you into compare and despair or that otherwise feel crappy! (One of the biggest mistakes people make with vision boards!)

6. Put your vision board somewhere that you can see it.

Your vision board can now be used as a visual reminder of what you are working torwards in your life. Look at your board often and connect with why you created it. You can pin the pages up somewhere so that you can see them, leave the book open on your table, or anything else that helps you to connect. Or, if it is more helpful for you, you can close the book or put the page away. Whatever feels the best, do that.

7. Write a “make it real” list.

Make a list of the things you could experiment with to start living out your values NOW. That is the awesome things about using your values to guide you, you can be successful NOW, without waiting for something external to change.

Be sure to ground your list in things that you are actually in control of. If you are already doing things that feel the way you want, make note of that, too. Get as specific as you can and start choosing those things as often as possible.

8. Notice + heal any resistance.

This is where the rubber meets the road.

As your begin making your visions real, you may start to notice resistance in the form of stories, habits, and patterns that are in the way. Heal them so that you can move closer and closer to what you want. As a healer, I can help you with this part. Learn how to work with me here.

9. Repeat.

Continue to check in and ask yourself how things are going. Make adjustments and keep fine tuning. Trust the process and remember, you wouldn’t be able to dream it if it wasn’t a possibility.

One of the most powerful decisions I ever made was to take responsibility for my life, instead of just letting life happen to me.